When researching the Reilly family of Westhorpe Hall in the early 90s some deeds were found in
the Chancery Rolls in London [probably now at the National Archive at
Kew]. A list of Deeds that had been
deposited at Ipswich Record Office referring to the Reilly family ownership,
but the deeds had ben withdrawn by the then owners of
Westhorpe Farm.
Sometime later the owner very kindly made these
available for my father and I to view them. In those days before digital cameras all the
notes had to be made by hand and we only managed to take a very limited number
of photographs. What we found is listed
Ipswich ref:
HA 207: 1220/50
Deed to make a tenant to the praecipe, between John
Reilly of the parish of St. George, Hanover
Square, Middlesex, but late of Robinstown,
Meath, Ireland, esq., and Maria
Rebecca, his wife and others, of
the manor of Westhorpe, of the advowson of the Church of Westhorpe,
of Westhorpe Hall
and Westhorpe Lodge, Westhorpe,
and of one moiety of the advowson of the church of Coneyweston
otherwise Conweston.
8 April 1761. Enrolled in Chancery 6 May 1761.
Précis from Roll C54 6082 pp 17 & 18 (at Chancery Lane)
Westhorpe Hall was in the occupation
of Edward Grimwood and
late of Robert Grimwood at a yearly rent of
£130. Westhorpe
Lodge occupied by William Chapman and now or
late of Ann Grimwood yearly rent of £162.
Between John Reilly of the Parish of
Saint George, Hanover Square but late of Robinstown & Maria Rebecca his wife (late Maria Rebecca
Dillon) of the first part, Daniel
Fox of the Chantry Office
London gentleman, of
the second part
and George Jones of Lincoln's
Inn in the County of Middx Gent.of the third part.
Signed in the presence of
Braham of Ash
Park, Suffolk. Allington Hodges Clerk to Mr.Tours, Lincoln's Inn
Fields. [C54 6082 ends page 36]
C54 6082(at
Chancery Lane)
Boldero & Reilly l
May 1761 Between
Robert Boldero
of Ixworth
in Suffolk Gentleman only brother and
heir of George Boldero late of the same place
Gentleman of one part,
John Reilly of the Parish of St. Georges Hanover Square Middx and late of Robinstown
in the County of Meath Ireland Esquire and Maria Rebecca his wife (late Maria
Rebecca Dillon widow) by articled agreement tripartitie
bearing date 12
April 1750 made between Richard Dillon of Dillons Grove in the County of
Roscommon & Kingdom of Ireland Esquire
(now dead) of the
first part the said Maria Rebecca Reilly (by her then name of and addition of
Maria Rebecca Taylor of Saint Edmunds Bury in Suffolk spinster) of the second
part and Jeffery French
of Argyle Buildings in the County of Middx esquire
also suite dated and the said
George Boldero of the third part reciting a marriage
then intended to be (and which soon
afterwards) had and solemenized between the
said Richard Dillon and the said Maria Rebecca Taylor was intitled into one moeity of the
Manor of
& Coney Weston
and the moiety of the advowsons
of the Church of Westhorpe & Coney Weston and the
moiety of divers messuage lands and
tenements within the said manor and
in Walsham in
the Willows all
situate in the County of Suffolk aforesaid (expectant on the death of Arabella
Prettyman her
mother). It was
therefore agreed that the said premises should be sold and
that with the money arising from the
sale other estate
or estates should be purchased
either in England or Ireland and that the said Maria Rebecca should from such
purchased estate have and receive a yearly sum of £21 English money by way of
pin money from the death of the
said Arabella Prettyman during
her coveture and also the yearly sum of £l80
as money is valued in Great Britain free of all taxes for
and during her natural life to be paid to her by quarterly payment
in the Middle Temple Hall from the death of her then
intended husband and of the said Arabella
her mother in case she should
survive them and as to the estate to be purchased as
aforesaid the same should
(subject to the said annuity of £21 by way of pin money and also to the said
annuity of £180 to the said Maria
Rebecca from death of the said Richard
Dillon and Arabella Pretyman) be conveyed and assured to the use of him
Richard Dillon for his life remainder to such son or sons of the
said intended marriage and for such
estate and estates as the said Richard Dillon should by his last Will &
Testament or by any Deed of writing attested by three or more credible witnesses limit or appoint and for want of
such limitation or appoint
to the use of the first second
and every other son of the
intended marriage ...............And that the said Richard Dillon should have full power
to charge the said estate so to be purchased with a sum not exceeding
£2000 for the benefit of the
younger children of the said marriage in sure manner................
and that the said Maria Rebecca should survive him
she should in such case have full power to charge the said
estate for the benefit of her children by the said Richard
Dillon..............should they during their joint lives be minded absolutely
to sell or mortgage the estate so to be purchased or
any part thereof they should have
full power to do so. And whereas by
indenture quadripartite bearing date the 12 December 1752 by addition
of Richard Dillon of Langham in
Suffolk between Richard Dillon
and his wife of the first part Jeffery
French and George Boldero second part John French
of Middle Temple
London Gent third part and Josiah Richardson
of the same place Gent .......reciting that the said
Richard Dillon & Maria Rebecca his wife had in
the Hilary Term
last past levyed a fine of
the said premises unto John French by the
name and description of a moiety of the Manor of Saint Clear Netherhall
& Coney Weston and also a moiety of ten
messuages one dovehouse ten gardens one
hundred acres of
land one hundred acres of meadow
one hundred acres
of pasture one hundred acres of wood 50
acres of firs
and heath common pasture for all manor of cattle Court Leet Court
Baron view of Frankpledge and what to
view of Frankpledge
belongeth perquisited
and profits of court............................ moiety of the rectory of Coney
Weston And also that the said Richard
Dillon and Maria Rebecca had in or as
at Michaelmas
suffered a Romon Recovery of the said premises into
the said
John French It was declared and agreed by all the said parties that the
said fine and common recovery so levyed and suffered...................And
whereas the said Richard Dillon has since
departed this life without having
any issue by
the said Maria
Rebecca whereupon the said Maria Rebecca
became intitled unto
the intire and absolute estate and interest in
the possession of an in the manor messuage lands
tenements and heriditments
purchased by and with moneys arising by sale of the moiety or half part of the
said manor so agreed to be sold and the land in which it was invested she the
late Maria Rebecca (who hath since intermarried
with the said John Reilly) hath applied
into and requested
the said Roger Boldero selling the
moiety of the
Manor of St.Clere Netherhall
Coney Weston
ends page 36 C54 6082
HA 207 l220/72
Assignment of a charge for the residue of
a term of 500 years, being
security for the
portion due to Maria Rebecca Donaldson, wife of Richard
Donaldson, esq., and
daughter of John Reilly of Bury St.Edmunds
under a lease and
release dated respectively 7 & 8 June 1761 and under a deed
dated 7 July 1800, by Sarah Sparke of Bury St.Edmunds, widow, and by the executors of the Will of
Ezekiel Sparke of Bury St.Edmunds,
decd., to William Bassett of Brandon, clerk, upon one moiety of and in the
manor of Westhorpe and of an in Westhorpe Hall, Westhorpe.
From the
original document 5
April 1800
Maria Reecca Reilly of
Bury St.Edmunds aforesaid widow
and relict of John Reilly late of
the said town esquire deceased. Richard Donaldson Esquire and Maria Rebecca
his wife late Maria Rebecca Reilly spinster the only
daughter and one
of the two surviving
younger children of the said John
Reilly and Maria Rebecca his wife of the third part........ ......leaving the said Maria
Rebecca Reilly his
widow and issue by her John
Taylor Reilly his eldest and two
younger children namely Thomas Reilly
and the said
Maria Rebecca Donaldson who had
sometime since attained her age of 21 years
and the said Maria Rebecca Reilly has proposed and agreed to appoint a moiety of the said sum of £3000 provided for
the portions of her younger children unto the said Maria Rebecca her daughter as her share
thereof and also
reciting that George Chinery and Ezekial Sparke had advanced and
lent to the said Richard
Donaldson and Maria Rebecca his
wife for their occasion £1500 and
for seeing the payment thereof with interest it had been proposed and agreed
that a moiety of the said etc etc.. ....of Westhorpe shall
being part of
the premises the said term of 500
years should be assigned to the said George Chinery
and Ezekial Sparke by way
of mortgage. .....portion or
share of the said Maria Rebecca Donaldson the said sum of £300 directed to be raised
for younger children
raised in the event of their being only two and for
and in consideration for the
natural love and affection of the said Maria
Rebecca Reilly to Maria Rebecca Donaldson her
daughter for her preferment in the world etc etc.......... And whereas the said Maria Rebecca Reilly
is long since dead and so also is the
said John Taylor Reilly her eldest son
by the said John Reilly her late husband
without issue whereby and by
virtue of the herinbefore mentioned
indenture of lease and release
and settlement the seventh and eight day of 1761 Thomas Reilly esquire the
second son of the said
John Reilly and Maria Rebecca his wife is become entitled to
the freehold and inheritance of
the said moiety of the said manor 7 July 1800.
HA 207 l220/55 (with Eric Barker)
Counterpart of lease for sixteen years at an annual
rent of £400 and a further annual rent
of £10 for every acre of meadow or pasture
converted into tillage
and for every arable acre cropped
contrary to covenant, by Thomas Reilly
of Bury St.Edmunds, esq., to Samuel Gowing of
Eye, farmer, John Gowing of Culford, farmer, and
Thomas Rodwell of Little Saxham,
farmer, of Westhorpe Lodge Farm, Westhorpe.
On the rear of
the original document
I Thomas
Reilly the younger Esq being entitled
to the Fee simple
and inheritance of
the within demised
farm and premises in remainder
immediately expectant on the decease of my father the within named Thomas
Reilly do hereby ratify and confirm the
within lease in all apsects
Signed Thomas Reilly Junior 29
June 1822 Witness: Chas.Ellis
On the same original document Memorandum 21st April 1819
It is this day agreed between the Lesee and
Lessees parties to the within
written Indenture that the Lessees
may have liberty forthwith to
break up and put in tilth the close called the seven acres with the pightle called Calves Pightle now added to it and made one close
containing together by admeasurement
thirteen acres two
rods and eight
perches parcel of the within
demised pasture grounds and to use the same as arable land until the Spring of
the thirteenth year of the within mentioned term upon
condition that the Lessees shall after
the said close has been put in tilth as aforesaid use
and cultivate the same in the like manner and
course of husbandry as the arable
lands within demised
And shall likewise in the Spring
of the thirteenth year of the within mentioned term sow and lay down the
said close or
piece of ground with a proper quantity of clean and good
Hay seed and dutch clover
seed after a
clean summer tilth in
and husband like manner and
during the then
remainder of the within mentioned term keep and use the
said close as pasture, ground - witness their hands. signed Thomas Reilly John Gowing Thos.Rodwell
Copy of Release of Westhorpe
Hall in the
Manorial Records

HA 207 l220/l4
Lease and release by
Thomas Reilly the
elder and Thomas Reilly the younger, both late of
Bury St.Edmunds but
now residing at Paris, France,
their trustees and
by William Churchill as mortgagee
to Sir Miles Nightingale of Brome Hall, of the manor of Westhorpe
otherwise Westhorpe Hall
and of Westhorpe
Hall farm, Westhorpe Lodge farm and land known
as Overhill
and Parkers Closes, Westhorpe dated 15 and 16
July 1824.
This lease ran to 14 pages ending with a schedule giving the land
details a précis of which is below.
The estate was sold for £22,500 of which I think £10,000
was mortgaged.
Annotated on the back
We acknowledge that the within named Sir Miles
Nightingale hath paid to the within named James Lockhart and Charles Ellis at
our instance and request and by our direction and appointment the within
mentioned sum of twenty two thousand and five hundred pounds and that the said
James Lockhart and Charles Ellis have paid the several sums of ten thousand and
five hundred pounds, seven hundred pounds and one thousand the three hundred
pounds and have retained the sum of ten thousand pounds residue of the said sum
of twenty two thousand and five hundred pounds in such manner as is explained
in the within written indenture.
On the bottom left witness to the signing hereof by the
within named Thomas Reilly the elder W.Hamilton and Chas.Sutton
On the other side: the signatures of Thomas Reilly
senior and Thomas Reilly junior
Hall Farm in the occupation of Mr.Thomas
Rainbird made up of 28 parcels amounted to 245 acres,
3 rods and 4 perches.
Lodge Farm in the occupation of Mr.Thomas
Rodwell 302 acres, 2 rods 36 perches.
Overhill and Parkers Closes in the
occupation of Mr.John Strange 81
acres,2 rods 34 perches.
Release in Fee of the Manor of Westhopre
and divers farms
in Westhorpe in the County of Suffolk.
Thomas Reilly the elder esq. and Thomas Reilly the younger esq and their Trustees
and Mortgagee to Sir Miles Nightingale.
C54 6083 8 June 1861
p.19-28 up to page 23 (at Chancery
John Reilly and Maria Rebecca his wife
John Stephenson of Brentford
Middlesex and Daniel Fox of
the Chantry Office Sheppard Frere of Barton Suffolk esq Pell Heigham of Bury. After their deaths to the use of John Taylor Reilly (eldest son living of the said Maria Rebecca
Reilly by the said John Reilly begotton)and after his decease to the use of his sons ........ ... then
to the use of Thomas
Reilly second and
youngest son now living ...
John Taylor
Reilly Middx Feb 1812 prob
6/188 f.309 sub £l00
John Taylor Reilly on the seventh day admon. of
the goods chattels and
credits of John
Taylor Reilly formerley of Westhorpe and Bury St. Edmunds in the County of Suffolk
but late of Islington in the County of
Middlesex bachelor decd
was granted to Thomas Reilly esquire the natural and
lawful brother and one of the
next of kin of the decd having
been first sworn by common duty to admon.

Copyright Sarah Tanner 2008 |